Net Zero in Construction – MTC needs your help with research

The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) would like to invite you to participate in this research questionnaire. The aim of this research is to help establish a pathway to achieving carbon / GHG emission reduction targets in the construction sector.  It is critical that we hear the views of stakeholders/organisations in all areas of the value chain to understand barriers and identify effective next steps on the road to Net Zero for the sector.

All information collected is anonymous unless you provide specific identifiable details in the open-text responses. Please note: due to the anonymity of responses, we will be unable to extract and remove your data from the research, following submission of the questionnaire, if you choose you do not want to be involved at a later date.
The questionnaire should take less than 10mins to complete.  You can scan the QR code on your device or follow this LINK to take you directly to the questionnaire

If you have any questions relating to the research, please contact Philippa Davies,

Thank you in advance for your involvement.


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