CEA News

CESAR announces 625,000th machine protected ad LAMMA

Written by Louise Carney | 15 August 2024 10:24:11 Z
Today (17 January 2024) CESAR celebrated a significant milestone: the protection of their 625,000th machine with advanced security marking technologies.
Kevin Howells, Manging Director of Datatag ID Ltd, a key partner in the Scheme, presented a symbolic CESAR identification plate, numbered 625,000, to Ian Roberts, Sales Manager, Ernest Doe, on behalf of CNH (Case New Holland).
Ian, who is the recipient of the 625,000th machine said: CESAR and its technologies, have been a useful tool within the New Holland 'toolbox' to help sell a product. Apart from the obvious sign on the unit the other elements to the tagging process are well hidden and go somewhere to ensuring peace of mind to the end user.
CESAR’s latest innovations were also showcased, including the CESAR ECV – a tool that quickly verifies a machine’s emissions status – and the recent integration of Ultra High-Frequency RFID transponders, further improving security capabilities. The new RAPID machine check system allows police officers to swiftly verify a machine’s status using a smartphone, solidifying CESAR’s lead in the industry.
Ruth Bailey, CEO of the Agricultural Engineers Association said: Reaching this landmark is a testament to how much the industry values the CESAR Scheme and the extra security it has provided to our customers over many years. The fact that nearly all of the major manufacturers fit CESAR to their agricultural tractors as standard shows the industry’s commitment to reducing the risk of theft.
Kevin said: I must thank Case New Holland for their support of the CESAR Scheme, being as they were one of the first in the agri sector to adopt its technologies to protect their customers Our next-generation UHF transponders, unique in their security features, and our RAPID check system are innovations that keep CESAR Scheme at the forefront of the field and place CESAR in a strong position to meet the requirements of the proposed private members bill addressing machinery and tool theft, a blight on the agri community.
Suneeta Johal, CEO of the Construction Equipment Association, owners of the CESAR Scheme, shared her support: The milestone of protecting 625,000 machines is a testament to the industry’s trust in CESAR. As we approach the implementation of the Parliamentary Equipment Theft (Prevention) Bill, our commitment to combating equipment theft with cutting-edge technology has never been stronger or more necessary.