CEA Member COVID-19 Bulletin – the Chancellor’s Summer Economic Update: A Plan for Jobs 2020


Here are some of the key announcements from yesterday’s Economic Update from Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak. Featuring heavily on job retention, yesterday’s announcements build on funding already announced by the Chancellor and Prime Minister for an ambitious pipeline of construction and infrastructure projects.


While COVID-19 continues to dominate the news, we must not forget Brexit and the fast-approaching deadline of 31 December when the transition period ends and the UK is fully outside the EU. We wrote to CEA members on Tuesday requesting their help in answering a few questions to help us better represent the sector’s views on the effects of a No Deal for Free Trade Agreements with the EU and the US. It would be fair to say that we have not been overwhelmed with responses ….. only three to date out of 150 members.

Please do remember that these trade agreements cover imports as well as exports and affect the supply chain as much as finished equipment. We really value the opinions of our members and strongly urge you to spend a few minutes telling us what you need to see from government in negotiating trade agreements – and what the effects of failing to reach a deal, resulting in trade under WTO rules,  would have on your business.

Please click here to complete the survey.


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