CEA Members’ Forum on Friday, 10th November Volvo Group UK, Warwick


The next CEA Members’ Forum meeting is themed around “Decarbonisation and Green Manufacturing”.

 The event is scheduled for Friday, 10th November, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Volvo Group has generously offered to host the meeting at their truck facility located in Wedgnock Lane, Warwick CV34 5YA.

The previous CEA forum meeting was a significant success, thanks in large part to the active participation and contributions of CEA members. “At the next meeting, we anticipate even more engaging discussions on our theme, along with interactive breakout sessions, and updates on CEA activities.” Commented Suneeta Johal, CEA Chief Executive

Suneeta added, “Among the topics we will cover, we will discuss actions implemented since our last gathering, provide the latest technical information, and look into recent EU laws that might influence your business.”

Additionally, Off-Highway Research will present insights into the current market status. The forum will conclude with a lunch, offering everyone a chance to network and exchange ideas. During the forum, there will be ample opportunities to voice your expectations from your CEA membership.

On the evening before the forum, Thursday, 9th November, the CEA has arranged a dinner at the Warwick Suite at the Saxon Mill, Coventry Rd, Guys Cliffe, Warwick CV34 5YN. The dinner is sponsored by the CEA and Alex Woodrow, MD of Knibb Gormezano & Partners, has kindly offered to sponsor pre-dinner drinks. Should you require accommodation for the evening of the 9th November, you may find suitable hotels using the following link.

Suneeta concluded, “We really hope as many members as possible are able to attend both the networking dinner and the forum and we very much look forward to welcoming you.

Registration is open, and with limited slots available, we recommend securing your place for the dinner and forum meeting as soon as possible.”

Register Here


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