CECE issues key recommendations for trialogues on the Data Act


The construction machinery sector is strongly committed to the digital transformation of the construction industry with a view to enabling data sharing at the service of productivity and sustainability.

The exchange of data is an integrated element of business relations and models based on the principle of contractual freedom. It is therefore essential that regulations aimed at establishing new data-based business relations, such as the Data Act, do not undermine the existing consolidated business practices and models.

CECE welcomes the work of the European Parliament and the Council on many aspects of the proposal. However, we warn the EU co-legislators against possible unintended economic consequences across data value chains. We call on the European Parliament and the Council to consider the following aspects in the context of the inter-interinstitutional negotiations phase:

I. CECE welcomes the definition of data proposed by the Council

II. CECE supports Council’s approach to trade secrets’ protection towards third parties

III. CECE recommends extending the non-competition clause to related services

IV. CECE welcomes the approach of the Council on reasonable compensation

V. CECE endorses the European Parliament’s approach to exclusivity agreements

VI. CECE strongly advocates for the extended transition period proposed by the Council

Read the full Position Paper here.


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