Council’s negotiating mandate: progress on the Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) proposal


On November 8, the Council of the European Union reached a significant milestone for the Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) proposal, by adopting its position, commonly referred to as the ‘negotiating mandate,’ and subsequently releasing a proposal for amendments. CECE welcomes this progress and is dedicated to keeping you updated on the key aspects.

One positive highlight is the inclusion within the scope of this legislation of EU individual approvals, which can be granted by any member state. The approval certificate will bear a unique harmonized number, identifying the member state responsible for granting the EU individual approval. These provisions align perfectly with CECE’s ongoing advocacy efforts, contributing to a common EU approach that allows for the free circulation of individually approved machines without requiring proof of conformity of production.

The Council also proposed creating a new category of vehicles (category ‘U’) for non-road machinery. CECE believes that this addition to the existing categories requires further political discussions to understand the reasoning behind it and its potential consequences, including categorizing as vehicles such machines. CECE is actively engaging in these discussions to ensure a comprehensive understanding and representation of our industry’s concerns.

Furthermore, the Council’s mandate restricts the scope of this legislation, as outlined in Article 1(1) and 3(1a), to all new non-road mobile machinery intended to circulate on public roads. At this stage, we seek a clearer understanding of why the scope is aimed to be limited to new machinery when there seems to be no reason to exclude second-hand machinery made by a manufacturer established in the Union.

CECE remains strongly committed to collaborating with European institutions and other sectorial associations. We believe that constructive collaboration is essential, especially during the negotiation phase, to refine the text and address the relevant concerns.


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