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Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) - everything you need to know

The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is the EU's tool to put a fair price on the carbon emitted during the production of carbon intensive goods that are entering the EU, and to encourage cleaner industrial production in non-EU countries. 

Getting started

The EU have create a ten-minute CBAM introduction learning module available to all. There are also more useful courses and webinars available via the Customs & Tax EU Learning Portal. All of the CBAM legislative documents are also available. 

CBAM information sessions

In June, DG TAXUD organised and recorded an information session on CBAM.


The latest CBAM FAQs are available to view, with some of the questions asked at the information session in June. You can also email with your questions. 


A video tutorial guiding you through the CBAM quarterly reporting is available. The video presents an overview of some of the key elements that need to be taken into consideration before uploading a CBAM quarterly report using an XML file. CBAM reporting declarants will find the latest release (July 2024) of the CBAM Transitional Registry User Manual here. In the reporting section of the website you can find new sample files of CBAM reports.

CBAM phases and regimes

There is a difference between the CBAM transitional phase (2023-25) and the CBAM definitive regime (from January 2026).

CBAM transitional phase - useful documents of importers and operators

During the CBAM transitional phase, there are key documents to guide importers and operators, with communication templates and default values amongst others. All these can be found in the guidance section of the CBAM website

The CBAM Transitional Registry was developed by the European Commission for declarants to report embedded emissions and related information as part of their CBAM obligations. Access to the CBAM Transitional Registry must be requested via the National Competent Authorities of EU Member States where importers have their permanent establishment. View a specific online info session on the CBAM Transistional Registry from October 2023.

Sectoral information

Since October 2023, the European Commission has organised a series of webinars covering CBAM general features as well as specifics for each sector. Details of all webinars are available on the Customs & Tax EU Learning Portal. Please check these links for relevant documents per sector: Iron & steel, aluminum, cement, fertilisers, electricity, and hydrogen.

Future updates

Follow DG TAXUD on socials to get the latest available information on updates guidelines and upcoming information sessions: 

On twitter (X): @EU_Taxud

On LinkedIn: EU Economy and Finance

On YouTube: DG TAXUD channel