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UK, European and global representation of the construction equipment industry, ensuring the UK remains relevant, informed and heard.
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UK, European and global representation of the construction equipment industry, ensuring the UK remains relevant, informed and heard. 
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As the UK trade association for the construction equipment industry since 1942, we have established connections and relationships with government departments, civil servants, trade associations and industry bodies in the UK, Europe and globally. We represent the interests of our members and the wider industry, directly contributing to the sustainability and growth of the sector.

  • Established and productive relationships with UK Government departments. 
  • Extensive global networks in relevant construction equipment markets.
  • Extensive experience with partner associations and NGOs in the UK, Europe and major equipment producing markets globally.
  • Go-to partner for inward and outward trade missions, webinars, and meet-the-buyer events. 

CEA Manifesto

Our Manifesto covers critical areas such as decarbonisation, digital transformation, skills development and regulatory consistency. 

Equipment & Machinery Industry Forum

We lead the Forum that provides a platform for trade associations to work collaboratively to form common positions on UK legislative matters.

Committee for European Construction Equipment

CEA membership includes membership of CECE, the recognised organisation representing and promoting the European construction equipment sector. Get exclusive access to CECE news, updates, insights and events.