CEA COVID-19 Bulletin #3


CEA COVID-19 Bulletin #3 and Update

This is by way of a short report/reminder on some CEA initiatives underway at the moment:

Please click here for the latest CEA COVID bulletin.

CECE Response to COVID-19 crisis: there is an open invitation to CEA members to join the CECE online press conference on Monday (30th). It will also include the presentation of their 2019 annual economic report. This takes place at 13.00 (BST). Joining instructions

Job Retention Scheme: there is a little more detail supplied by HMG on this. We have brought up the issue of the position of companies which supply repair and maintenance engineers to attend to machines and equipment in critical work areas e.g. waste management, ports/docks, transport, energy supply, food distribution etc. With call outs to conventional construction sites drying up, but with the need to keep personnel in place for emergency requests in critically important sites, we are seeking clarification on whether some flexibility in JRS rules is envisaged. There may be some other examples of the need to recognise special cases, so please let us have your input.

Transition Engines: we are working with CECE, with the support of other European sector organisations, to achieve a moratorium on the regulation requiring all “transition engines” to be fitted in completed machines by 30th June 2020. This is part of the implementation of Stage V engine standards. The initial concern was that supply chain disruptions (notably from China) would prevent the completion of machines by the due date, even though the engines themselves were complete. With the more recent wave of factory closures and no clear view of when the general situation will ease, urgent action is now required by the European Commission to find a way to set aside the requirement, to avoid costly stocks of unusable engines at 30th June.

Plant and Tool Hire: plant and tool hire operations remain exempt from government closure requirements.
