CEA COVID-19 Bulletin #13


CEA COVID-19 Bulletin #13


Following the Prime Minister’s broadcast last night, the government have launched a 50 page document entitled “Our Plan to Rebuild: The UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy”. This document only applies to England. Links are given to the pages for the devolved assemblies. The document is very light on anything specific to industry. We hope that the document dealing with the safe return  in the workplace post lockdown expected this week will be more enlightening.


All employers will need to conduct thorough risk management before their employees can safely return to the plant or office. CEA members have been given a free copy of a sample risk management plan by Lycetts Insurance,  which we think you will find useful.  


Bulletin #13 contains a number of links to government resources dealing with the specifics of personal safety post lock down. Please click here to view the bulletin.


We hope to bring you more industry relevant news later this week.

