T Level Placements and Your Workforce
Over the next few months, the Department for Education and Strategic Development Network (SDN) are hosting a number of practical online and in-person sessions to help you explore, plan and host T Level industry placements. Each session gives you a chance to hear from employers who are already hosting placments and the Government support available to help you.

March 6, 2025
at 10-11am
Delivered by the Strategic Development Network, in this webinar you will hear from employers who have hosted industry placements in their SME. Discover how you can support young talent, the kind of challenges you can expect, and how to overcome them.
April 3, 2025
at 10am-5pm
Holiday Inn, Stevenage
Delivered by SDN and the Department for Education, this in-person conference will give you practical insights, examples and support to help you plan, host and scale up T Level industry placements in your organisation.
June 25, 2025
at 10am-5pm
Hilton Nottingham
Delivered by SDN and the Department for Education, this in-person conference will give you practical insights, examples and support to help you plan, host and scale up T Level industry placements in your organisation.
October 1, 2024
at 9am-5pm
Feria de Zaragoza, Spain
SMOPYC is leading international meeting born to enhance the competitiveness of companies, showcase the latest market innovations, provide a platform for discussing key issues affecting professionals, bring together the efforts of various industry associations, and act as a driving force for the development of all firms linked to public works, construction, and mining machinery.